What We Can Do

Soil Fertilizer

Enhance the soil's ability to maintain fertilizer supply and buffer & Stimulate crop growth.

Soil Formation

Improve the soil structure and facilitate the formation of soil aggregates.

Nutrient Effectiveness

Reduce nutrient fixation and improve the effectiveness of nutrients.

Deep Research Reports

Improve the utilization rate of chemical fertilizer and reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer

Comprehensive Nutrition

Provide comprehensive nutrition for crops and improve the quality of agricultural products.

Excellent Strategies

Promote the reproduction of microorganisms.

What We Offer

HAFA PEAK FERTILIZER will provide affordable harmless, and high-quality fertilizer to the national farm and open markets such as Agra, Kaap Agri, Pupkewitz, Build it, and all other relative market.

Fertilizer Customization

HAFA PEAK FERTILIZER can customize the fertilizer for client solution.

Namibia Soil Specialization

HAFA PEAK FERTILIZER will base in Namibia and have a quick reaction on collecting soil data and manufacturing the right fertilizer for Namibia soil expressly to grant the markets.